Κιβώτιο / δισκοι Σπριντ - Πρός Σάκη κ Φιλιππα ¶
Από: Sprinter στις 21/01/2010 1:53 μμ.
http://www.triumphrat.net/sprint-forum/ ... age-3.html
Μιλάει για κάποιο shim (πώς ειναι το shim ελληνιστί παίδες? ροδέλλα? αποστάτης?) που πρεπει να μπεί κάπου στον συμπλέκτη στα προβληματικά μηχανάκια. Part Number T1170325
Σάκη, Φίλιππα απλώς το αναφέρω μπας και δεν το ξέρετε.
Από το παραπάνω thread:
'The dealership turned out to be very helpful. The part number of the shim is 1170325.
Instructions from the mechanic are as follows: Behind the clutch inner basket is a large washer. The shim fits behind that washer, on the engine side.
He told me that until recently the shim was part of the original assembly, but Triumph has ceased using it. He thinks it is because they were of the opinion that they had improved the tolerances and it was no longer needed. He has had several recent bikes where there is binding in the basket but the shim has fixed it every time.
He advised that it is essential to lubricate the plates well before assembly, as if dry the oil can have problems getting in. (I have seen at least one other thread where that has been a problem.)
I hope that is useful and that it makes sense as I am not familiar with the inner workings of the clutch.'
Στο ίδιο Thread μιλάνε και για τη γνωστή (φαντάζομαι) λύση του μπάνιου λαδιού για τους δίσκους (overnight!!!) για την αντιμετώπιση του θέματος μη σωστής λίπανσης των δίσκων κατά την πρώτη (εργοστασιακή φαντάζομαι) τοποθέτηση.
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